Spirit Cards

In addition to the other card types, there are also Spirit cards.

Figure 7

Unlike the other cards, Spirit cards do not have a symbol and are not tied to any particular area.

Spirit cards can be used to make special Sets called Spirit Sets. Spirit Sets are used to make Fugues. Fugues are explained in the next section.

When a Spirit card is paired with an Imagination, Vision, Depth, or Passion card, it creates a Fugue of that type.

Figure 7a

If the player used the Spirit Set in Figure 7a, it would create a Passion Fugue.

When creating a Spirit Set, it doesn’t matter if the Spirit card is on the left or right.

Figure 7b

The Spirit Set in Figure 7b also creates a Passion Fugue.

When you use a Spirit Set, you will take the appropriate Fugue and place it on your Player Board in the “Fugue Value” section shown below.